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Mitsubishi – Up to $1,350 Instant Rebate through November 25, 2024

Energy Trust of Oregon Incentives available through Oregon Heating & AC (must be installed before December 31, 2024):

Manufactured Home Heat Pump Program – $4,000 Instant

Ductless Heat Pump Installation – $1,000 Instant or $1,800 Savings Within Reach Instant

95% AFUE Natural Gas Furnace – $1,600 Savings Within Reach Instant

Extended Capacity Heat Pump – $1,000 Instant or $2,000 Savings Within Reach Instant

Extended Capacity Heat Pump replacing electric furnace – $3,000 Instant

Standard Heat Pump replacing electric furnace – $1,000 Instant or $3,000 Savings Within Reach Instant

Smart Thermostat $250 Instant

Rental Home Incentives (must be installed before December 31,2024):

Ductless Heat Pump – $1,800 Instant

95% AFUE Natural Gas Furnace – $1,600 Instant

Extended Capacity Heat Pump – $2,000 Instant

Extended Capacity Heat Pump replacing electric furnace – $3,000 Instant

Standard Heat Pump replacing electric furnace – $3,000 Instant

Smart Thermostat – $250