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Tips for hiring HVAC experts, Beaverton, OR

When it’s time to service your HVAC system or install new equipment, choosing the right heating and cooling contractor is the key to ensuring a job well done. With so many companies serving the Portland area, finding the best HVAC technician can seem overwhelming. Follow these 10 simple tips to help you make an informed decision.

  1. Do your research: Before choosing an HVAC professional, verify their licensing and insurance. A licensed contractor is permitted to work in your area, and insurance protects you from liability in case of accidents.
  2. Know your equipment: Being familiar with the type of HVAC system you have can greatly aid in hiring the right HVAC expert. Know the equipment brand, model, serial number, and approximate age before scheduling services to ensure the company you choose can assist you.
  3. Get recommendations: Recommendations from neighbors, friends, and coworkers are a powerful tool in selecting a reliable HVAC contractor. Ask people you trust who they have worked with in the past and whether they had a positive experience.
  4. Read reviews: Search for ratings and reviews online from past customers to get a feel for different companies.
  5. Look for special offers: HVAC systems are a significant investment. Look for a contractor that offers coupons and can help you apply for rebates on energy-efficient systems. Financing options are also a must to make your purchase more affordable.
  6. Consider a high-efficiency system: Only work with an HVAC contractor that offers today’s best heating and cooling systems. You know you’ve found high-quality equipment if it features the blue Energy Star label, signifying that it meets strict EPA guidelines.
  7. Request an in-home evaluation: A good contractor will evaluate the heating and cooling demand of your home by performing a manual j load calculation that is certified by Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) before recommending a new system. This ensures you get equipment that is correctly sized and tailored to your needs.
  8. Request a written proposal: Before work begins, ensure all project details are outlined in an official contract, including the cost, model numbers, warranty information, and installation schedule. This document will protect you if any issues arise.
  9. Expect a post-installation inspection: A reputable contractor won’t deem the job complete until they have walked you through the new system installation, reviewed how to operate the thermostat, and explained preventative maintenance tasks.

With these HVAC contractor selection tips, you’re ready to start comparing companies. We hope you’ll consider Oregon Heating & Air Conditioning for the job. As Oregon’s HVAC experts, we pride ourselves on 25 years of experience delivering top-notch heating and cooling solutions in Portland, Beaverton, Hillsboro and the surrounding area. We focus on customer satisfaction, backed by our A+ rating from the BBB. Our licensed, bonded, and insured team delivers peace of mind and a great experience from start to finish. To request your free HVAC installation estimate, please call us at 503-673-3265 today.